The German Wirehaired Pointer, also known as the German Rough-haired Pointer, the Deutsh Stilchelhaar Vorstehhund, the Wirehair and the GWP, is a sound, reliable and versatile hunting dog developed to both point and retrieve under any weather, temperature or terrain conditions. This breed is distinguished from other pointers by its wiry coat. It can be aloof but not unfriendly and is a quick learner.

The dense double coat of the Wirehair is among its most distinctive characteristics: it is straight, harsh, wiry, flat-lying, weather-resistant and one to two inches in length. The coat, along with bushy eyebrows and a wiry beard, act as armor to protect the Wirehair’s body and face from brush, brambles, weather and water. It should be brushed occasionally and hand-stripped when necessary. The coat, which must be liver or liver-and-white, is shed seasonally, and in the summer months it is almost invisible.
The Wirehaired Pointer was developed in Germany in the mid 1800s as an all-around hunting dog. Before then, hunting for sport was reserved to the nobility and large landowners. In around 1850, hunting became popular regardless of class distinction – especially the hunting of game birds. Over time, the number of hunting enthusiasts, and hence the number of specialized hunting dogs, steadily grew. Some lines became particularly adept at pointing out birds in forests and fields, while others became better at retrieving from land and/or from water. Many European sportsmen wanted an all-purpose gun dog that would hunt more than one type of game and also flush, point and retrieve. More versatile sporting dogs became increasingly popular.
In Germany, the Deutsch-Drahthaar, which means German Wirehair, was one of those breeds. The early wirehaired pointers typically came from crosses of Griffon, Stichelhaar, Pudelpointer and German Shorthair. The Pudelpointer derived from a cross between a Poodle dog and an English Pointer bitch. The Griffon and Stichelhaar descended from crosses of Pointer, Foxhound, Pudelpointer and Polish water dog. The focus of developing this new breed was create an all-purpose, extra hardy retrieving and pointing gun-dog, with a weather- and water-resistant protective coat, that could and would work on any kind of game and hunt in conditions and on terrains of all types. With selective inbreeding and out-crossing, German hunters refined the German Wirehaired Pointer, which flushed, pointed and retrieved equally well on land and in water, was keen-nosed and constitutionally tough, and had the coat and courage to work under any conditions.
The Drahthaar was admitted into the German Kartell (Kennel Club) in 1928. The official parent club and registry in Germany is the Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar. Wirehairs came to the United States in the 1920s, and in 1953 the German Drahthaar Club of America was founded. The German Wirehaired Pointer was admitted into the American Kennel Club’s Stud Book in 1959, and the parent club’s name was officially changed to the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America.
Appearance and Grooming
The German Wirehaired Pointer sports a coarse weather-resistant coat that also protects from burrs and brambles. The distinctive beard, whiskers and eyebrows give him a unique expression and also protect the face from harsh brush. They come in liver and white, spotted, roan or ticked patterns. Wirehairs have dark brown noses and floppy, brown ears that flop beside the head. The tail is set high and is customarily docked to 2/5 its length in countries where this is still allowed.

Coat and Colour
The German Wirehaired Pointer sports a double coat that protects him from wet, cold weather conditions, as well as harsh brush he may encounter in the hunting field. The top coat is coarse and wiry, lies flat against the body and measures about two inches in length.
The undercoat is virtually nonexistent in the summer, but grows in full and dense in colder months. Even the eyebrows serve a function for this breed – they protect the eyes from scratches.

When they are born, the coat may be soft, silky or even wooly. As the dog matures, the coat will take on the proper wiry texture. This puppy coat, however, takes time to care for, unlike the no-fuss adult coat.
Wirehairs come in many patterns of liver and white. They may be spotted, roan, spotted with roaning and ticking, or solid liver. Some dogs are adorned with white blazes on the head. German Wirehairs are never black in color.
Grooming Needs
Adult German Wirehaired Pointers require little in the way of grooming. They are light, year-round shedders, and weekly brushing will not only remove loose hair, but will also help keep the coat clean. Bathe the dog only as-needed. As puppies, some are born with soft, silky or even wooly coats. These coats may require a bit more attention to keep neat, but as the dog matures, the coat will become coarse in texture and brushing need only occur once per week. The undercoat will shed in the spring, requiring more frequent brushing, two to three times per week.
Check the dog’s ears on a regular basis for signs of infection, irritation, or wax buildup. Clanse with a cotton ball and a veterinarian-approved solution. Never use a cotton swab on a dog’s ear canal. Trim nails once per month if the dog does not wear down the nail naturally. If the toenails make a clicking sound on hard floors, they are too long. Brush teeth on a weekly basis to keep dog breath at bay and prevent tarter build up.
The average life expectancy of the Wirehair is between 12 and 14 years. Breed health concerns include cataracts, elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, ear infections and skin cancer.
The German Wirehaired Pointer is a people-oriented dog who loves human companionship and will want to be a part of every aspect of family life. They are attention-seekers and will clown around or even make a little mischief in order to maintain his “star” status. Wirehaired Pointers are hunting dogs, who are at their happiest when out in the field, working alongside people. After a long day in the brush, he’ll want to come home and be pampered with praise, treats, and lots of belly rubs. While they aren’t the best choice for families with small children, they get along great with older children, especially if the older kids are willing to play outdoors. They are protective of their property and family and make excellent watchdogs.
Activity Requirements
German Wirehaired Pointers have their roots in the hunting field. They can run all day, and still come back for more. When they catch a scent, they become focused, efficient trackers and they are versatile enough to hunt on land or retrieve out of water. They are best suited in homes where they will be utilized in the field, or where families are already committed to an active, outdoor lifestyle. Two hours a day of vigorous activity is required for healthy development of a Wirehaired Pointer, and if they don’t get enough exercise, they will become high strung, anxious, and destructive.
Pointers don’t really are what they are doing outside, as long as it involves the company of the people they love. Simply opening the back door and hoping the dog will entertain himself won’t cut it. Pointers make excellent jogging companions, love to take long hikes, especially if there is a river or lake nearby where he can take a swim. In the back yard, “hide and seek” style games where he can search out toys and treats are a good choice.
German Wirehaired Pointers are strong willed and stubborn. Training them in basic obedience is can be challenging for first time dog owners, as it requires calm-assertive leadership and absolute consistency. Bend the rules once, and you have to start the process over from scratch. Training should be done in short spurts, to keep them interested and conducted with an abundance of treats. Once leadership is established and basic obedience mastered, Pointers should be graduated into advanced obedience and if possible, agility training. This breed needs to keep their minds active in order to be happy, and though they can be stubborn, they enjoy the physical and mental stimulation of the agility track. In recent years, search and rescue teams have come to use the German Wirehaired Pointer, as their hunting instincts are strong, and they thrive on the reward of finding missing people.
Housebreaking a Wirehaired Pointer can take as long as six months. Some may pick it up faster than others, but crating is the best way to get through this drawn out process.
Behavioral Traits
Separation Anxiety is common among this breed. They require a lot of physical and mental stimulation in order to maintain an even temperament, and if their requirements are not met, anxiety sets in and that means destructive chewing and excessive barking. Couple their need for activity with their strong need for human companionship, and things get much worse. People who work long hours should consider another breed, as the Wirehaired Pointer does best in homes with a stay at home parent, or among people with flexible work schedules.
Their tendency for jealousy and possessiveness makes this breed less than ideal for families with small children. Wirehaired Pointers don’t want to share the attention of their people with smaller animals or people, and their possessive nature can get out of hand. Their tendency to jump and bounce also makes them a hazard for toddlers.
Cats and other small household pets are in peril around Pointers. Their chasing instinct is strong and can’t be trained out of them, even if raised alongside a cat from puppyhood.
Neat Freaks be warned: Wirehaired Pointers are notoriously messy. Their beards hang in their water dishes and they will trail water around the house.
KUSA Breed Standard
Click here to view the KUSA breed standard for the GWP.